Amberflo reaches #3 Product of the Day in our ProductHunt launch

April 20, 2022

We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with all the goings-on here at Amberflo.

Product Hunt Launch

On Wednesday, April 6, we launched Amberflo on Product Hunt. It was an exciting day and we saw great participation from the community, with over 500 upvotes and 114 comments, taking us to #3 Product of the Day. We received a full 5-star average rating from reviewers. Most importantly, we received a number of helpful questions and comments that helped create conversation around usage-based pricing and our unique approach.

“Having tested and played with Amberflo using their free-tier (yes free, so there is no reason not to try it!), I'm very impressed with what they have brought to the table.”

Luis Ayuso, Product Line Manager - VMWare

Read what others from around the community said in our blog rounding up the response.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource accurately, cost effectively, and with real-time and actionable usage insights.

  • Ingest meter events with
    We created an integration with allowing you to ingest events and create customers in Amberflo using our destination in Segment. Simply enter your API keys (found in the Settings tab) in the Amberflo destination settings in Segment to begin ingesting events.
  • Meter event correction
    Amberflo now offers the ability to cancel (undo) one or more meter events as needed. We provide an easy-to-use API that you can invoke to cancel a single usage event or a large set of events. The system will also take care of propagating the changes to the usage aggregations as well as to the invoicing or rewards payment systems if those are affected by the cancellation.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

A fully managed and full-featured Pricing, Invoicing, and Billing Service to track and charge on usage. Delight customers with modern, flexible and multi-dimensional Usage-Based Pricing (UBP), and drive the highest levels of revenue growth and product adoption.

  • Enable one-time or recurring purchase of Prepaid Credits
    We have improved elements of the Prepaid Credits UI, now allowing users to set credits purchases as one-time or recurring with full control over the purchase period with the push of a button. Additional UI improvements were made to the visualizations showing credit consumption and remaining balance.
  • Conversion tables for Custom Currencies
    Now users can define distinct conversion rates for custom currencies in terms of multiple world currencies such as dollars, euros, and Argentinian pesos with the conversion table, recently added to the Console UI.

News and Blog

Highlights from our blog and mentions of Amberflo from around the web.

  • How to build usage-based pricing models
    In the first part of this series, we discuss the concept of metering as a developer artifact and our vision that meters should track usage and resource consumption both internally (Cost Meters: track backend resources consumed providing the solution to customers) and externally (Usage Pricing Meters: track which customers consumed how much of what resources/functions at what time), and the benefits that strategy provides.
    So now that the meters are in place tracking usage and consumption, what comes next? Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) plans are multidimensional and more complex than their simpler subscription-based counterparts, so many customers transitioning to the model struggle to know where to begin (and which product dimensions or features to charge on). Read the full blog here.

Amberflo reaches #3 Product of the Day in our ProductHunt launch

April 20, 2022

Our top 10 Javascript frameworks to use in 2022

JavaScript frameworks make development easy with extensive features and functionalities. Here are our top 10 to use in 2022.
Written by
Alec Whitten
Published on
17 January 2022

We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with all the goings-on here at Amberflo.

Product Hunt Launch

On Wednesday, April 6, we launched Amberflo on Product Hunt. It was an exciting day and we saw great participation from the community, with over 500 upvotes and 114 comments, taking us to #3 Product of the Day. We received a full 5-star average rating from reviewers. Most importantly, we received a number of helpful questions and comments that helped create conversation around usage-based pricing and our unique approach.

“Having tested and played with Amberflo using their free-tier (yes free, so there is no reason not to try it!), I'm very impressed with what they have brought to the table.”

Luis Ayuso, Product Line Manager - VMWare

Read what others from around the community said in our blog rounding up the response.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource accurately, cost effectively, and with real-time and actionable usage insights.

  • Ingest meter events with
    We created an integration with allowing you to ingest events and create customers in Amberflo using our destination in Segment. Simply enter your API keys (found in the Settings tab) in the Amberflo destination settings in Segment to begin ingesting events.
  • Meter event correction
    Amberflo now offers the ability to cancel (undo) one or more meter events as needed. We provide an easy-to-use API that you can invoke to cancel a single usage event or a large set of events. The system will also take care of propagating the changes to the usage aggregations as well as to the invoicing or rewards payment systems if those are affected by the cancellation.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

A fully managed and full-featured Pricing, Invoicing, and Billing Service to track and charge on usage. Delight customers with modern, flexible and multi-dimensional Usage-Based Pricing (UBP), and drive the highest levels of revenue growth and product adoption.

  • Enable one-time or recurring purchase of Prepaid Credits
    We have improved elements of the Prepaid Credits UI, now allowing users to set credits purchases as one-time or recurring with full control over the purchase period with the push of a button. Additional UI improvements were made to the visualizations showing credit consumption and remaining balance.
  • Conversion tables for Custom Currencies
    Now users can define distinct conversion rates for custom currencies in terms of multiple world currencies such as dollars, euros, and Argentinian pesos with the conversion table, recently added to the Console UI.

News and Blog

Highlights from our blog and mentions of Amberflo from around the web.

  • How to build usage-based pricing models
    In the first part of this series, we discuss the concept of metering as a developer artifact and our vision that meters should track usage and resource consumption both internally (Cost Meters: track backend resources consumed providing the solution to customers) and externally (Usage Pricing Meters: track which customers consumed how much of what resources/functions at what time), and the benefits that strategy provides.
    So now that the meters are in place tracking usage and consumption, what comes next? Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) plans are multidimensional and more complex than their simpler subscription-based counterparts, so many customers transitioning to the model struggle to know where to begin (and which product dimensions or features to charge on). Read the full blog here.

Flat Pricing Is Dead.
Explore metering and usage based billing with our advance platform.
Developer friendly, and built with LLMs in mind
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We will share highlights and key points from our newsletters as blog updates. Sign up for our mailing list to receive the full newsletter and stay up-to-date with all the goings-on here at Amberflo.

Product Hunt Launch

On Wednesday, April 6, we launched Amberflo on Product Hunt. It was an exciting day and we saw great participation from the community, with over 500 upvotes and 114 comments, taking us to #3 Product of the Day. We received a full 5-star average rating from reviewers. Most importantly, we received a number of helpful questions and comments that helped create conversation around usage-based pricing and our unique approach.

“Having tested and played with Amberflo using their free-tier (yes free, so there is no reason not to try it!), I'm very impressed with what they have brought to the table.”

Luis Ayuso, Product Line Manager - VMWare

Read what others from around the community said in our blog rounding up the response.

Amberflo Metering Cloud

A fast and accurate, fully-managed, enterprise-grade Usage Metering Service. Single API to Instrument and Meter any resource accurately, cost effectively, and with real-time and actionable usage insights.

  • Ingest meter events with
    We created an integration with allowing you to ingest events and create customers in Amberflo using our destination in Segment. Simply enter your API keys (found in the Settings tab) in the Amberflo destination settings in Segment to begin ingesting events.
  • Meter event correction
    Amberflo now offers the ability to cancel (undo) one or more meter events as needed. We provide an easy-to-use API that you can invoke to cancel a single usage event or a large set of events. The system will also take care of propagating the changes to the usage aggregations as well as to the invoicing or rewards payment systems if those are affected by the cancellation.

Amberflo Billing Cloud

A fully managed and full-featured Pricing, Invoicing, and Billing Service to track and charge on usage. Delight customers with modern, flexible and multi-dimensional Usage-Based Pricing (UBP), and drive the highest levels of revenue growth and product adoption.

  • Enable one-time or recurring purchase of Prepaid Credits
    We have improved elements of the Prepaid Credits UI, now allowing users to set credits purchases as one-time or recurring with full control over the purchase period with the push of a button. Additional UI improvements were made to the visualizations showing credit consumption and remaining balance.
  • Conversion tables for Custom Currencies
    Now users can define distinct conversion rates for custom currencies in terms of multiple world currencies such as dollars, euros, and Argentinian pesos with the conversion table, recently added to the Console UI.

News and Blog

Highlights from our blog and mentions of Amberflo from around the web.

  • How to build usage-based pricing models
    In the first part of this series, we discuss the concept of metering as a developer artifact and our vision that meters should track usage and resource consumption both internally (Cost Meters: track backend resources consumed providing the solution to customers) and externally (Usage Pricing Meters: track which customers consumed how much of what resources/functions at what time), and the benefits that strategy provides.
    So now that the meters are in place tracking usage and consumption, what comes next? Usage-Based Pricing (UBP) plans are multidimensional and more complex than their simpler subscription-based counterparts, so many customers transitioning to the model struggle to know where to begin (and which product dimensions or features to charge on). Read the full blog here.

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